The standard team registration cost = $1125 (per season).
Teams may save $200 on their team registration cost (i.e. only pay $925 for the season), if the following two (2) conditions are met: .
1) A $200 deposit is paid by round one (1) of each season (this is a mandatory payment for teams to be eligible to take the field for the first round game), and
2) The balance of team fees ($725) is paid in full by round four (4).
These fees can be paid on the night of the specified rounds, however, the fees must be paid before the team takes the field for the conditions to be met. If your team happens
to be on a bye for one of these rounds or a team forfeits against you, you
still need to make payment by these deadlines in order to benefit from the
reduced price
Teams not paid in full by round six (6) WILL be
removed from the competition.
Season registration is for a maximum 21 week competition. This includes 16 weeks of round games, 3 weeks of finals and 2 wet weather contingency weeks.